Sambourne Road, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 8LF

01985 212458

Sambourne CE VC Primary School

Learn to Love - Love to Learn

Welcome to Blackbird Class 

We are a mixed age class with Year 1 and Year 2 pupils. On this page you will find information about our curriculum, the year group expectations, our class timetable, topic overviews, celebrations and photos of fun and super learning.


Curriculum Overviews

Home Learning

We will post any additional weekly home learning here if and when it is needed.


Year 1 times tables tests this term will be:

Counting forwards and backwards in 2s to 24

Counting forwards and backwards in 10s to 120

Counting forwards and backwards in 5s to 60


Year 2 times tables tests this term will be:

2 times tables in order and mixed up

5 times tables in order and mixed up

3 times tables in order and mixed up

Summer Term 2024

We hope that you have had a restful Easter holiday and are ready for an exciting term of learning!

Our topic is 'What a Wonderful World' and the Term 5/ Term 6 topic map can be found further down the page. We will begin with a Pirate Day on Monday 15th April and will focus on Seasides and Pirates until half term and then Oceans and Continents up to the Summer holidays.

Otherwise, our routines will remain much the same - if you need any further information or reminders, please see the 'Welcome to Blackbird class' link further down the page.

Remember - PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays so please ensure that your child has kit for both indoor PE (T-shirt and shorts) as well as warm clothing for going outside - although hopefully soon the weather will warm up and your child will need a hat. All of this should be named please.

As always, do speak to a member of our team at drop off or pick up if you need any extra information.
