Policies and Procedures
Our policies and procedures are organised in category and alphabetical order. Please scroll down and click on the PDF image to read the policy you require.
If you require a paper copy of policies, please contact the school office.
Safeguarding and Pastoral |
Behaviour and Exclusion Policy
Behaviour Principles Written Statement
Child Protection Volunteer Leaflet
Keeping Children Safe In Education 2024
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Addendum to Safeguarding Policy
Pupils and Parents Privacy Notice
Safeguarding Pupils Walking to and from School Policy
Non Curriculum |
First Aid and Medical |
Inclusion |
Our SENDCo is Miss K Selway
She can be contacted directly via senco@sambourne.wilts.sch.uk
For SEND information - including the SEND Information Report - please visit Inclusion page
Financial Information |
As a school we must publish how many school employees have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.
Currently we have no employees that meet that criteria.
A link to our schools financial benchmarking service can be found here at schools financial benchmarking services.